You are required to accept the Terms and Conditions given on following page by Clicking on “Accept” button. You will receive the Agreement in your registered e-mail address upon acceptance.
Kindly fill/ complete all the details required to publish your credentials on the website.
You may choose the Services you wish to offer at your desired rates. Please note that Astrosavvy reserves the rights to moderate your rates as per the market conditions. The rates can be revised from time to time.
Your Profile will be visible on AstroSavvy website only after approval by Admin.
Looking forward to a Wonderful and Long-Term Relationship.
THIS ASSOCIATING AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is entered into between:
ASSA Technologies, hereinafter referred to as “AstroSavvy”, with its registered office at D 176, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi – 110076, India, through its Proprietor, Mrs. Savitri Srivastav or any authorized Signatory appointed by her, and Mr./ Ms. / M/s , hereinafter referred to as “ASSOCIATE”, using email ( email address ) and accepting this contract using OTP sent to his/ her mobile Phone Number on this day of 17/Feb/2025 on the terms mentioned as below:
1. SCOPE: The ASSOCIATE will work with AstroSavvy to provide Astrology related Services for the customers of AstroSavvy. The services could include answering questions related to Astrology, preparing Astrology Analysis reports, Live Consultations via phone and any other services that the parties agree to provide from time to time. 2. GUARANTEE OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE: (a) The ASSOCIATE assures AstroSavvy about the ASSOCIATE’s competence having thorough knowledge of Astrology & predictions. (b) The ASSOCIATE assures AstroSavvy that all orders accepted and/ or work assigned to the ASSOCIATE would be dealt with utmost care and delivery of assigned orders would be sent out as per schedule shared with the ASSOCIATE.
3. FEES:AstroSavvy agrees to pay the ASSOCIATE fees as per the agreed fee schedule on monthly basis Or as agreed between the parties from time to time. The ASSOCIATE may propose to revise its fee for the consultation services, however the same shall be applicable from the next working day after acceptance by AstroSavvy. The ASSOCIATE acknowledges and agrees that AstroSavvy shall charge administrative overheads on the services provided by them and the earnings from Clients shall be shared in the ratio of 40% (AstroSavvy ) and 60% (ASSOCIATE ) between the parties or as agreed percentage from time to time. The Tax deduction at source(TDS) and GST, wherever applicable, shall be done prior to making payment to the ASSOCIATE as per statutory taxation directives of the Government of India. The ASSOCIATE shall ensure correctness of his bank details/ PAN details through their Profile page. . 4. CONFIDENTIALITY & Non-Circumvention: The ASSOCIATE would receive access to various Report formats, Work process & access to the Admin Panel of AstroSavvy. The ASSOCIATE assures utmost confidentiality and undertakes not to: (i) Share the formats or reports with any other Astrology Service providers and further not use the format for its own customers & use. (ii) Share access of the Admin panel with anybody else & also not to show the working to any outsider including any other Astrology Service providers (iii) Reach out to any clients of AstroSavvy or provide any astrology consultation independently to the customers of AstroSavvy or Share his contact details with the client under any circumstances. (iv) Share Clients details and the predictions given or remedy suggested to the clients with any third party.
5. MODIFICATIONS: Any modification in the Agreement must be in writing through email to admin and agreed by both AstroSavvy and ASSOCIATE and the agreed share displayed on Astrologer’s Profile page.
6. PRIOR AGREEMENTS: This Agreement incorporates all prior agreements and understandings between the parties.
7. EFFECTIVE DATE: This Agreement shall become effective upon accepting these terms by the ASSOCIATE by clicking on “Accept” button on this page. This Agreement will be emailed to the ASSOCIATE by the AstroSavvy. 8. The ASSOCIATE shall conduct in a professional manner and take all precautions not to harm the reputation of AstroSavvy or its other Associates. The ASSOCIATE shall be very polite with the clients and shall be careful with choice of words while moderating their communication with the client.
9. This agreement is not an agreement of exclusivity. Both the ASSOCIATE & AstroSavvy would remain free to work with other Astrology service providers, individual clients & other Astrologers in any part of the country & overseas. 10. TERMINATION: Either party may terminate the contract by giving one month prior Notice to the other party through the email. AstroSavvy reserve its rights to terminate this contract through intimation by email to the ASSOCIATE, in case of breach of any conditions of this agreement by the ASSOCIATE or due to AstroSavvy management decision.
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